Are you interested in selling your veterinary practice?
Justie Reimann, DVM, David Zanders, DVM, John Becarri, DVM, and Carolyn Neilson, DVM
Academy Animal Hospital
How does our business model benefit you?
If you’ve read or watched any other section on this website, you already know that AmeriVet’s business model is distinctly different. It stands out in the industry because we appreciate what you have accomplished. Our mission is to support you with the business side of your practice, which means you’ll be able to concentrate even more on the pets you care for.
We want to be clear: We’re not interested in those who simply want to sell and exit ASAP. We’re looking for true veterinary partners who want to be part of something bigger and better than what they have now, and are 5 to 10 years away from retirement or exit. If that sounds like you, contact us today to find out more!
Discover The Value of the Legacy You Have Built.
Interested in discovering the value of your veterinary practice? A member of our partnership team can help you with that.
As an AmeriVet partner, we empower you to thrive in an ever-evolving and sometimes volatile marketplace. By partnering with us, you’ll gain access to resources that keep you ahead of industry trends and evolving customer preferences. This means you can focus wholeheartedly on what you’re passionate about: providing exceptional care to animals. And when the time comes for retirement, rest assured, AmeriVet will be by your side, helping you maximize your retirement proceeds and secure your future with confidence.
Our Process has been perfected for our Partners.
We understand you may have concerns about selling your practice. It’s why we approach it in a completely collaborative way. We surround you with a full team of legal and accounting professionals to clearly and transparently map out what the transition will look like. The goal is to make the transition both seamless and confidential. We want you to be confident that you have made the right decision with no regrets.

YOU’LL GAIN BENEFITS OF SCALE—without giving up the heritage and culture within the practice you’ve built.

OPERATIONAL SUPPORT: You’ve built a successful practice, and we want to help you continue to grow and be successful. You’ll receive full operational support and leadership so you can stay focused on what you do so well: taking care of pets and the owners who love them. We’ll take on the burden of administrative responsibilities and give you support and guidance when and where you need it.

INCREASED INCOME: Our operations team will help you take your business to the next level. Our comprehensive support system is tailored to give you the resources needed to continue growing your practice — and profitably. Whether it’s optimizing operations, enhancing marketing efforts, streamlining recruitment process, or implementing training programs, we can take your business to unprecedented growth.
Let’s compare.
Let’s compare.
Here’s the business model other corporations typically use:
100% of your practice is purchased on closing.
Your practice is rebranded and shaped to fit the consolidator’s image.
There is total integration into the Purchaser’s business model. The culture and heritage you’ve nurtured disappear.
As a veterinarian, you become an employee—nothing more.


Here’s the innovative business model AmeriVet has developed and uses:
Depending on whether you choose a Joint Venture (JV) or Top Company (Topco) model, we purchase your practice (or a portion of it). Either way, you still have an active role in growing the business and a vested interest in its future success.
You and AmeriVet come to an agreement on a sustainable EBITDA (the financial world’s acronym for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization).
You earn compensation and work toward a premium multiple when you sell the remainder of your practice (JV) or when AmeriVet has a change of control event (Topco).
You retain control of clinical decisions and client care. The culture and heritage of your practice that you’ve nurtured is sustained and continues on.
We integrate your business model with our business process support. So you can focus on being that vet that pets and their people love.
We bet you’re wondering
about the purchase price and what goes with it, right?
Here’s how it works:
As a Partner, you’ll be able to…
- Lock in a Valuation Multiple today.
- Sell your business (or a portion of it) for a Cash Payment.
- Continue to have Operational Control–just as you always have.
Now, if you’re looking to grow and enhance your profitability (and who isn’t?!) this should get your attention.
AmeriVet has both depth and breadth in terms of marketing and operational best practices expertise. With our input and guidance, you’ll be able to pick and choose value-enhancing tools that can greatly benefit your practice. These can be leveraged to enhance the profitability—and ultimate value—of your practice. Of course, this approach is not mandatory. However, a lot of our Partners have been more than pleased with the results, so we’d certainly encourage you to at least take a look-see at this array of options.